Our Vision

We are a community that is connected, safe and just, where people are treated with dignity and kindness.

Our Purpose

We work to reduce barriers while fostering self-determination and building pride in our neighbourhood. We do this because we are passionate about social justice and empowerment of our communities.

Who We Are

We are passionate about fostering leadership and advocacy and for all our community to have equal access.  We are committed to providing a friendly, welcoming environment where there is opportunity for people to meet, form friendships, receive support and referrals, learn and obtain information. We provide health and well-being programs, educational programs, interest groups, support groups and community support programs such as community lunches, food pantry and volunteering opportunities.

Some of our programs are:

Literacy and Numeracy classes, Lifestyle classes, Life Skills Building, Information Technology, Arts and Crafts, Community Lunches and Food Pantry. We are always looking for volunteers, people with new or different skills to join us and share their knowledge and experience.

Some of Our Programs